Sponsoring a Child
upporting a child permits you to be in relation with the child to encourage he/she and manifest your affection. You can write, visite the child in Fitahiana Center, to make your self known.
Children who come to Fitahiana Center are ‘’street children’’ that is non scolarised children, living in the street all day long – with parents and a home.
Your support is going to overcome the difficulties of the child’s parents, who dont have the means to provide for the essentials
Many of our children live in a particularly difficult condition – extreme poverty, distant family relations violent, family context, alcoholism, prostitution, etc…, and lack of affection.
The attention you bring to your godchild, the faithfulness of your engagements, the affection you show will be very important.
A monthly donation of 20 euros permits your godchild to benefit from:
- Scolarisation and vocational project
- School fornitures
- 5 good meals per day
- Medical and dental treatments
- Dresses and others
If you wish to support a child, you can download, fill, sign and sent by mail the subscribtion form with your RIB