The Europe Madagascar Africa N.G.O. represented in Madagascar by Fitahiana Centre, intervains in four domaines:

-Scolarisation and vocational training





-by assisting all human beings in a suffering situation (physical or moral), of precarity or exclusion,

-by contributing to the execution of  government development programs, in the best possible coordination with the government and in compliance with laws in force in that country,

-by providing the cost and necessities needed by the fulfillment of this mission.

Since 1993, E.M.A have changed the lives of hundreds.

The development of literacy classes then the creation of Fitahiana centre primary school permitted to hundreds of youths learn how to read and write. Some have continued their education.

This year, more than 450 children are scolarized thanks to EMA.

Actions in the domaines of medical and dental health, hygiene and nutrition have a strong impact in the lives of inhabitants in and around the quarter where Fitahiana center is situated.

We function thanks to regular donations (god parents’s contribution and other donors) or ponctual from private individuals (individuals, associations, interprises). Convinced of our actions, the number of persons joining us keeps increasing. Actually we are counting more than 500 god parents.

Thanks to their support, we can finance actions to help the most under privileged in the suburb of Antananarivo. But we wish to do more and that calls for  your support !

Do you want to help us?Give a donnation