Center’s adress and branch

N.G.O Head Office (France)

Europe Madagascar Africa

93 avenue de la République – 92120 Montrouge

Tel : 33(0) 142537085

Gsm : 33(0)623420487

Email :

                                                               Guylaine RINALDO,

                                         Communication Director at the head office

Madagascar branch office representation

Fitahiana Center                                                  

Lot III H 99 H Bis Avaratanana Ambohimanarina Antananarivo Madagascar

BP 14047 – Talatamaty – Antananarivo 105

Tel : 00 261 202 24 58 77

Gsm : 00 261 32 02 235 90

Email :

                                             Josue and Marie-Pascale MOUGENOT,

                                           Officials of Fitahiana Center, Madagascar




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